Hi guys,
I recently bought the TPLINK MR200 V1 router from Orange Spain ISP, with his own fw version.
I would like to convert it to LEDE firmware, but i want to do it in a secure way, step by step to avoid any mistake.
I printed fulll thread and read it several times to learn all i can, and stay ready for any inconveniency.
Summarizing, i want to follow this steps:
1.- Flash stock firmware 160310 via TFTP, editing stock .bin file, cutting 0x200 header, copying 0x20000 bootloader bytes and copying 0x7B0000 router FW bytes, getting a 8.000Kb file.
2.- Update to stock latest release through webpage, first with 160412 ver. and then to 160905 ver.
3.- At this point, i will have updated MR200 with latest sotck router FW and LTE modem FW too.
4.- Flash LEDE via TFTP using @Heinz ArcherC2V1_tp_recovery.bin
5.- Finally, update from LUCI to LEDE-17.01.4
I hope all i said is ok and didn’t made any mistake, although any help will be very appreciated,
I found post 141 by @Lordcapy, who was in same situation like me, but i can’t contact with him, there is no private message option available.
One more question, perhaps i will telling something stupid, but since Archer C2 and MR200 basically have same HW (MT7610EN 5GHz chip), ¿why MR200 5Ghz is not working?, in most recent topics of C2 openwrt thread, i read 5Ghz it’s working ok,
Thx in advance.
Best regards.
(Last edited by jmpcarceles on 6 Mar 2018, 17:40)