OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: davidc502 1900ac 3200acm builds

The content of this topic has been archived between 26 Feb 2018 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

Redferne wrote:

Amazing. I'm starting to wonder if my extroot is causing this problem. Maybe keeping settings during upgrade is a bad idea. I wonder how the dependencies are checked during package installation. I got to the point where I needed python and flexget so extroot on /overlay was the only option. Too bad OpenWRT/LEDE does a really bad job on supporting upgrading with extroot. There's a lot of manual labor required.

Thanks for confirming my initial suspicion, now I need to figure out why the dependcies are broken on my installation.

Would you mind installing nfs-kernel-server? Just need to know for a fact that it's working.

BTW,  oi is my alias for opkg install.


No problem Redferne.  Appears to have installed.

root@lede:~# opkg list |grep nfs-kernel-server
nfs-kernel-server - 1.3.4-1 - Kernel NFS server support
nfs-kernel-server-utils - 1.3.4-1 - NFS server utils

root@lede:~# opkg install nfs-kernel-server
Installing nfs-kernel-server (1.3.4-1) to root...
Installing libwrap (7.6-1) to root...
Installing libblkid (2.28-1) to root...
Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3de-1) to root...
Installing kmod-fs-nfsd (4.4.39-1) to root...
Installing kmod-fs-nfs-common (4.4.39-1) to root...
Installing kmod-fs-exportfs (4.4.39-1) to root...
Installing kmod-fs-nfs (4.4.39-1) to root...
Installing kmod-dnsresolver (4.4.39-1) to root...
Installing portmap (6.0-4) to root...
Configuring kmod-fs-nfs-common.
Configuring kmod-fs-exportfs.
Configuring kmod-fs-nfsd.
Configuring libblkid.
Configuring libwrap.
Configuring librpc.
Configuring portmap.
Configuring kmod-dnsresolver.
Configuring kmod-fs-nfs.
Configuring nfs-kernel-server.
exportfs: /etc/exports [1]: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export "*:/mnt".
  Assuming default behaviour ('no_subtree_check').
  NOTE: this default has changed since nfs-utils version 1.0.x

exportfs: /mnt does not support NFS export

(Last edited by davidc502 on 31 Dec 2016, 00:03)

Hi David, thanks for all your work on this.  I was hoping to use your excellent build as a jumping off point for my own custom firmware explorations (wrt1900acs, Shelby IIRC).

Would you mind sharing your lede build config file(s)?  There are tons of options that I'm not familiar with and it would be awesome to start from a known stable configuration.  Apologies if this is already up on your site; if so I couldn't find it.


Hi David,

R2695 installed without problems on my WRT1900ACS.
The included mjodules kmod-sched-cake and kmod-nf-nathelper-extra are working fine.
Also in crontab the is disabled with a # in front, like I think it should be.

Thanks for this new version,


denk wrote:
davidc502 wrote:

Also, trying  again...  Hopefully doesn't fail anymore.

Thanks for trying it again! And Merry Christmas!

In r2695 the package is missing again but, the one from 2685 (manually downloaded and installed) works as it should. As it was built for 2685, it seems that you fixed something but, for 2695 maybe something different broke the build again!?

starcms wrote:

According to their website, their certs are only good for 90 days.

Yes, this is exactly the way to go.

How can any CA make sure that a certificate it issued will be kept safe for 2, 3, 4 years?

Let's Encrypt issue certs only for 3 months to make sure it is rotated frequently. If you, as the operator of a service, fail to prove ownership of the doman after those 3 months, the certificate will automatically be invalid. This gives us the maximum safety that this crappy CA system allows.

On my old routers (TP-Link WDR-4300 and 3500), I had LED triggers for 2.4 and 5 GHz WiFi called "phy[01]tpt" that would cause slow and steady flashing on network activity.

On @davidc502's build "leviathan II (SNAPSHOT, r2695-c9c68c7)" for WRT1200AC (Caiman), this triggers do not exist.

Is this merely a config option when building the system? If so, could you please enable it, @davidc502?

I don't think it's a missing kmod, I checked already which kmods are available to be installed, but none of them seems applicable.

Any advice?

Thanks very much.

Kind regards,


(Last edited by ralfbergs on 2 Jan 2017, 14:36)

ralfbergs wrote:

On my old routers (TP-Link WDR-4300 and 3500), I had LED triggers for 2.4 and 5 GHz WiFi called "phy[01]tpt" that would cause slow and steady flashing on network activity.

On @davidc502's build "leviathan II (SNAPSHOT, r2695-c9c68c7)" for WRT1200AC (Caiman), this triggers do not exist.

Is this merely a config option when building the system? If so, could you please enable it, @davidc502?

I don't think it's a missing kmod, I checked already which kmods are available to be installed, but none of them seems applicable.

Any advice?

Thanks very much.

Kind regards,


The LED lights for WiFi are basically useless on the whole WRT series. Only real use is to see if anything is connected to 2.4Ghz or 5.0Ghz. They either stay solid if there is absolutely no activity for 2-3 seconds, or blink insanely fast regardless of the amount of activity.

However, with LEDE/Open-WRT, you can choose any other LED to display activity and it will actually blink at different speeds like the LEDs for the 4 Ethernet ports (and how the internet light blinks at different speeds with the stock LED settings on @david's (and most other builds).

You shouldn't need to install any packages, the triggers should be there. In Luci, go to LED configuration under the System tab. You should already see an entry there for WAN activity to make the Internet light blink (led is named pca963x:Carmen:white:wan).

First, you'll want to click on add to add a new entry. You can name it whatever u want, doesn't matter. Then in the drop down for LED name, choose the LED(s) you want to display WiFi activity.  Since I've never used WPS in my life, I chose to use the WPS LED which can blink either white or orange. I have mine set up to blink white for 5ghz activity and orange (amber) for 2.4ghz activity.

So for the 5ghz activity, I chose pca963x: caimen:white:wps from the list of LED Names. Leave default state unchecked. For the trigger, choose netdev from the list. Then for device choose wlan0 (for 5ghz). Then for the trigger mode, select transmit and receive (you can leave link on unchecked because you have the default wifi LEDs for that).

Then for 2.4ghz activity, add another entry, select the amber wps (or whatever led you choose to use), and instead of selecting wlan0, select wlan1. Everything else same as for the 5ghz entry you created first. Save and apply and you'll actually have LEDs that blink at different speeds depending on bandwidth being used.

You should have netdev (and a bunch of other) triggers to choose from. It did used to require a kmod package back on older versions of Open-WRT to show the triggers, but the functionality has been moved elsewhere (not sure what package adds it, but I'm using a WRT1200AC and @david's build, and whatever is needed is included,)8lllll

starcms wrote:

For the trigger, choose netdev from the list.

Thanks for your comment.

Actually I'm using the netdev trigger already, but it's flickering quickly which is not very nice. This is why on WDR3500/4300 I switched to using the "tpt" trigger, which I really like...

I don't get the point why you are not using the WiFi leds? Can you please elaborate? Are you saying they behave differently to the other leds? I thought the trigger is what matters for the "behavior" of an led -- and you can apply it to arbitrary leds, which will then behave identically?

(Last edited by ralfbergs on 2 Jan 2017, 22:26)

moccolo wrote:

what encription and cipher are you using? use wpa2-psk and AES cipher.

using aes

davidc502 wrote:

Also, please download a wifi analyzer, to your phone, and look to see how many others you might be competing with. I know in my area 2.4Ghz is hardly usable, and with everyone using 80Mhz widths on 5Ghz, there is only 2 channels outside of DFS.

With DFS not working correctly (always switches to non DFS after a few hours), there are certain times of the day where I only get 10 or 20mbps.

actualy I am only using 5ghz, but didn't quite get about DFS stuff, can you elaborate?

starcms wrote:

Do you have a WRT3200ACM?  The wifi drivers for it are still maturing and have speed issues.

now I have wrt1900acv2 before that I had wrt1200ac, distance are better whit 1900 but speeds are quite unstable for me.

You are using AES for cipher and wpa2-psk for encription?

i have a wrt1200ac and it working quite good. no particular wi-fi settings

im using this settings for ac wi fi:

config wifi-device 'radio0'
    option type 'mac80211'
    option hwmode '11a'
    option channel '124'
    option txpower '20'
    option country 'US'
    option path 'soc/soc:pcie-controller/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0'
    option htmode 'VHT80'

country: us
mode: ac
channel: 124,
width: 80mhz

5ghz wifi has quite small range...

(Last edited by moccolo on 3 Jan 2017, 01:29)

Before you change or add led configs it might be useful to go into /etc/config/system and make a note of the the current led configs, a while back I did something, can't remember if I added or changed a current led config, but it caused some of the other current led configs to lose some options so a couple of leds no longer worked and it took a while for me to find what the default options should be and add them back. For example, in Luci, the trigger for the usb led reads 'none', but in /etc/config/system the trigger is 'usbdev', which isn't even in the list of triggers, at least not on my wrt1200, so it's much easier to note what's there in /etc/config/system in case anything gets altered by a change.

mikemccartney wrote:

Before you change or add led configs it might be useful to go into /etc/config/system and make a note of the the current led configs, a while back I did something, can't remember if I added or changed a current led config, but it caused some of the other current led configs to lose some options so a couple of leds no longer worked and it took a while for me to find what the default options should be and add them back. For example, in Luci, the trigger for the usb led reads 'none', but in /etc/config/system the trigger is 'usbdev', which isn't even in the list of triggers, at least not on my wrt1200, so it's much easier to note what's there in /etc/config/system in case anything gets altered by a change.

Hi Mike, thanks for your comments.

I did not retain a copy of the original config file, so it's too late now. Do you have a copy that you could send me? I don't think this will help with my specific problem. I think the trigger I need is simply not implemented in our WiFi driver...

Anyway, I do have a usbport trigger, but I can't enter the port this applies to. I found this, maybe this helps you (I will try it as well...).

ralfbergs wrote:
mikemccartney wrote:

Before you change or add led configs it might be useful to go into /etc/config/system and make a note of the the current led configs, a while back I did something, can't remember if I added or changed a current led config, but it caused some of the other current led configs to lose some options so a couple of leds no longer worked and it took a while for me to find what the default options should be and add them back. For example, in Luci, the trigger for the usb led reads 'none', but in /etc/config/system the trigger is 'usbdev', which isn't even in the list of triggers, at least not on my wrt1200, so it's much easier to note what's there in /etc/config/system in case anything gets altered by a change.

Hi Mike, thanks for your comments.

I did not retain a copy of the original config file, so it's too late now. Do you have a copy that you could send me? I don't think this will help with my specific problem. I think the trigger I need is simply not implemented in our WiFi driver...

Anyway, I do have a usbport trigger, but I can't enter the port this applies to. I found this, maybe this helps you (I will try it as well...).

Thanks for the link, I noticed that  kmod-ledtrig-usbdev which flashes leds during usb activity is no longer available in LEDE, but it's still available in OpenWrt, hopefully it will be functional again eventually. Here's my default led configs from /etc/config/system, it's for my wrt1200 v1, but I'm guessing they're similar across the wrt1xxx models -

config led 'led_wan'
    option name 'WAN'
    option sysfs 'pca963x:caiman:white:wan'
    option trigger 'netdev'
    option mode 'link tx rx'
    option dev 'eth0'

config led 'led_usb2'
    option name 'USB2'
    option sysfs 'pca963x:caiman:white:usb2'
    option trigger 'usbdev'
    option interval '50'
    option dev '1-1'

config led 'led_usb3'
    option name 'USB3'
    option sysfs 'pca963x:caiman:white:usb3_1'
    option trigger 'usbdev'
    option interval '50'
    option dev '2-1'

Hmm, there seems to be s/t wrong with some of the kernel module packages...

For example:

root@gw:/rom/etc/config# opkg files kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport
Package kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport (4.4.39-1) is installed on root and has the following files:

Where's the kernel module itself?
Should be this one, right?

root@gw:/rom/etc/config# cat /etc/modules.d/50-usb-ledtrig-usbport

But it's not part of this package, nor is it present in the FS:

root@gw:/rom/etc/config# ls -la /lib/modules/4.4.39/led*
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          4896 Dec 27 19:55 /lib/modules/4.4.39/ledtrig-heartbeat.ko

Maybe built into the kernel? But then, why is there a module package?


root@gw:/rom/etc/config# opkg files kmod-usb2
Package kmod-usb2 (4.4.39-1) is installed on root and has the following files:

Again, the module is not present in the FS:

root@gw:/rom/etc/config# cat /etc/modules.d/40-usb2
root@gw:/rom/etc/config# ls -la /lib/modules/ehci*
ls: /lib/modules/ehci*: No such file or directory

Is this a partially broken build?

root@gw:/rom/etc/config# cat /etc/openwrt_release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION='Lede leviathan II SNAPSHOT r2695-c9c68c7'

I must be missing s/t, any clue what?

mikemccartney wrote:

Here's my default led configs from /etc/config/system, it's for my wrt1200 v1

Thanks, I have exactly this model. :-)

One of the USB LEDs is now working properly, but the other isn't?! Can you confirm that both are working for you?

ralfbergs wrote:
mikemccartney wrote:

Here's my default led configs from /etc/config/system, it's for my wrt1200 v1

Thanks, I have exactly this model. :-)

One of the USB LEDs is now working properly, but the other isn't?! Can you confirm that both are working for you?

Yeah, both usb leds are working fine for me with the default configs.

@davidc502: Could you please tell me if you are applying some patches on top of Lede or putting there additional files? Could you provide us a Lede project configuration file used to produce your builds?

Hello david,

I updated to your latest Snapshot r2695-c9c68c7 on my WRT1900ACS, but I'm missing dnscrypt-proxy in the repository.
I don't see it after updating the repos, no matter if I use the web GUI or try it via CLI.

Can you look this up, please?

Edit: Installing it manually won't work, did you remove it on purpose?
I tried it as following (had to remove links, replaced with h**p):

cd /tmp
wget h**p://
opkg install dnscrypt-proxy_*.ipk
rm -f dnscrypt-proxy*.ipk

But I get following errors:

Package dnscrypt-proxy-resolvers version 1.7.0-1.E-2016-08-01-22ff30b has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package dnscrypt-proxy version 1.7.0-1.E has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package hostip version 1.7.0-1.E has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package iodine version 0.7.0-1.E has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package iodined version 0.7.0-1.E has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Package libsodium version 1.0.11-1.E has no valid architecture, ignoring.
Unknown package 'dnscrypt-proxy'.
Collected errors:
* pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for dnscrypt-proxy found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package dnscrypt-proxy.

Edit 2: I tried adding following of your repos to my router, but DNScrypt proxy still didn't come up:


I got it working by installing the packages manually from that source:

wget h**p://
wget h**p://
wget h**p://
opkg install libsodium_1.0.11-2_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3.ipk
opkg install dnscrypt-proxy-resolvers_1.8.0+git-20161129-f17bace-1_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3.ipk
opkg install dnscrypt-proxy_1.8.0-1_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3.ipk
rm -f libsodium_1.0.11-2_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3.ipk
rm -f dnscrypt-proxy_1.8.0-1_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3.ipk
rm -f dnscrypt-proxy_1.8.0-1_arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3.ipk

The problem is, that you didn't upload dnscrypt-proxy to following repo:

(Last edited by t0mat0 on 5 Jan 2017, 17:46)

Found another problem I cannot fix on wifi with version r2695 on my WRT1900ACS:

The 5GHz radio seems bugged. If I set a channel above 48 (52 or 100 for example), my radio seems not to turn on. None of my devices is able to find it, even if it is enabled in the settings.

The channels from 36 - 48 with channel bonding are working.

(Last edited by t0mat0 on 5 Jan 2017, 18:11)

t0mat0 wrote:

Found another problem I cannot fix on wifi with version r2695 on my WRT1900ACS:

The 5GHz radio seems bugged. If I set a channel above 48 (52 or 100 for example), my radio seems not to turn on. None of my devices is able to find it, even if it is enabled in the settings.

The channels from 36 - 48 with channel bonding are working.

Interesting that you are mentioning this...

I'm running the same build (it seems, I have "r2695-c9c68c7" to be precise) on my WRT1200AC v1...

I also observed what you report, or rather something similar: It would turn on, but after a short while it would "hop" to upper channels.. But I thought it was due to DFS (I'm in Germany...), even though I hadn't observed a similar behavior so far...

Your reference is to a FOSS driver, which is not really the case here as we have to deal with a blob. At any rate, DFS was enabled in the blob, back when issue 37 was closed. You can expect issues in trying to use DFS channels, the heuristic used to detect radar errors on the side of caution, not in your favour, so false positive due to "noise" will be the norm, and you will be shown the exit. Would not expect some of the behaviour you are describing, but then I just don't bother going to the DFS channels.

Edit: some info

Edit: While I don't know your location, that would seem suprising, check wikipedia for high, non-DFS channels. 149-165

(Last edited by Villeneuve on 6 Jan 2017, 00:48)

Not using DFS channels means, that we only can use the channels 36 - 48. Channels that are used by my neighbors already.
If channel bonding is also set to 80MHz, all of these channels get overlapped by me.

Now I have the problem setting channels for my second WRT1900ACS, I can only choose the same range.

The 5GHz is nearly unusable without working DFS channels, sadly.

Hi @davidc502,

I can't seem to set my regulatory domain to GB and use EU DFS. When I set my region to GB this is what I get:

country 98: DFS-UNSET
    (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A)
    (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (N/A), AUTO-BW
    (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (N/A, 20), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW
    (5490 - 5710 @ 160), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS
    (57240 - 63720 @ 2160), (N/A, 40), (N/A)

country US: DFS-FCC
    (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
    (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (N/A), AUTO-BW
    (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW
    (5490 - 5730 @ 160), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS
    (5735 - 5835 @ 80), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
    (57240 - 63720 @ 2160), (N/A, 40), (N/A)

country US: DFS-FCC
    (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
    (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (N/A), AUTO-BW
    (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW
    (5490 - 5730 @ 160), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS
    (5735 - 5835 @ 80), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
    (57240 - 63720 @ 2160), (N/A, 40), (N/A)

As a result I can only use a bunch of "low" channels.
Can you help?
